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1446 Hijri , 2nd Shawwāl
1446 Hijri , 2nd Shawwāl
How To Prepare For Umrah How To Prepare For Umrah

How to Prepare for Umrah? What to Do Before Leaving for Umrah?

Umrah is a spiritual journey that can be taken at any time of the year and this flexibility allows people who have certain time and financial constraints to choose their Umrah schedule and go for the pilgrimage. It is a lesser form of Hajj but equally fulfilling and enlightening experience. The goal of this journey is simple - to gain rewards from Allah and receive forgiveness for all the sins committed in the past. A person needs to do a lot of preparations before leaving for Umrah and there are certain things to do before he/she undertakes this journey.

Here are some of the most important tips on preparing for Umrah so that your spiritual journey becomes memorable:

  • Recite the verses of Quran with translation and tafseer.
  • Try to understand the meaning of the Surahs and Duas that you recite in Salah.
  • Repent to Allah (SWT) sincerely by praying 2 raka’t nafl and make tawbah.
  • Before leaving for Umrah learn how to pray Salatul Janaza.
  • One of the most important things to do before leaving for Umrah is to ask your family and friends for forgiveness and forgive those who have wronged you.
  • Make a list of dua for yourself and your family and friends. You will be in the most sacred place on earth and your duas are more likely to be accepted if you make them with good intention and a pure heart.
  • Before leaving for Makkah, Umrah preparations also include learning about the history of Makkah and Madinah, and getting an in-depth understanding about the life of the Prophet (pbuh). It will not only enable you to appreciate the beauty of the place that you are about to enter but also make your Umrah even more special.
How To Prepare For Umrah
How To Prepare For Umrah
How To Prepare For Umrah
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